Monday, November 7, 2011

Coming To A Close

As the first marking period gets closer and closer to ending, I look back at what I've accomplished in art.  I've done quite a lot! From decorating and sketching on paper to put into my book, to painting a self portrait using paint, ink, and colored pencil, much has been done.  I'm proud of myself, and can't wait to see what else will be coming my way in the coming months. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fruit Is Not My Friend.

A few weeks ago, our class was assigned a fruit drawing, specifically on apples.  We used colored pencils to bring the apples to "life".  The more we worked, the more alive the apples became, and I think this is the case in art all the time.  You have the chance to bring something to life, and we all succeeded!  Although many students weren't satisfied with their work, everyone did exceptionally well.  These two photos evince the results most students achieved.  Each student's work had drastic differences to one another, but all had been brought to life.  I'm glad we were assigned such a task, and I enjoyed creating something I was proud of.

Tempera Batik, Part Deux (Avec les photos!)

Since I've started talking about our tempera batik paintings, I thought I'd show you all some of the work we've done so far! This first photo shows what we used as a reference in sketching our faces.  The yellow and green ones are works in progress, and are mainly just for color testing.  The red one is a finished, inked painting!  I'll be doing many more of these, to test which colors I like best.  Once our enlarged, "real" paintings start to take off, more pictures will be taken!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tempera Batik!

During these last few class periods, our Creative Arts Class has been working on an interesting and unique project: A tempera batik self portrait.  We've sketched our faces rather cartoon-ishly onto our papers, painted over them in a monochromatic fashion, smeared ink over them, and finally rinsed them to let their new look be shown! Of course, this was all done for practice, as most of us haven't begun painting our real portrait yet. This method of painting and inking is very unlike what a traditional art class would do, which makes me enjoy it.  The more innovative and creative we get, the better our art becomes! I love the look of our tempera batik paintings, and I'm very excited to get to work on our full-sized paintings.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Hello, World! I never really have thought much about blogs, let alone blogs for my own art! I think this will be a fun learning experience. I hope to really grow as an art student, and I think this blog will be a useful outlet in showing the world what I am capable of. I'm always up for something new, and this certainly is something I've never thought about trying before. I'm prepared to face this class head on, and give everything I do my all! I hope you all get to experience my accomplishments with me.